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Get a collection



Retrieve a single transaction by id


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Unique identifier of the collection

    Example: 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6

Header Parameters

    ApiKey stringrequired
    AccountId stringrequired



    id uuidrequired

    Unique identifier of the collection

    shortId stringrequired

    Short ID of the collection

    collectionStatus object

    Status of a collection

    state stringrequired

    Possible values: [PENDING, SUCCESS, FAILED]

    The state of a collection

    reason string


    The reason for the state of a collection

    complete boolean

    Completion status

    externalId stringrequired

    External identifier for the collection request

    sender objectrequired

    Information about the sender initiating the collection

    companyName stringrequired

    Name of the sender's company

    accountIdentifier string

    Account identifier of the sender, IBAN or local account number

    email stringrequired

    Email address of the sender

    contactNumber stringrequired

    Contact number of the sender

    receivingWalletId uuidrequired

    UUID of the wallet receiving the funds

    exchangeQuoteId uuid

    UUID of the exchange quote if linking to onward exchange

    quoteId uuidrequired

    UUID of the collection processing fee

    invoices object[]required

    List of invoices associated with the collection request

  • Array [
  • documentReference stringrequired

    Reference for the invoice document

    sellerName stringrequired

    Name of the seller on the invoice

    grossAmount objectrequired
    amount numberrequired

    The specific monetary value that is being converted from in the currency exchange

    currency stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression [A-Z]{3}

    The type of currency that the money is being exchanged from

    document object

    Receipt file in Base64-encoded format

    mediaType stringrequired

    The MIME type of the file, such as 'application/pdf' for a PDF file or 'image/jpeg' for a JPEG image

    name stringrequired

    The name of the file, including the file extension

  • ]
  • payments object[]

    List of payments associated with the collection request

  • Array [
  • paymentReference stringrequired

    Reference for the payment

    paymentAmount objectrequired
    amount numberrequired

    The specific monetary value that is being converted from in the currency exchange

    currency stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression [A-Z]{3}

    The type of currency that the money is being exchanged from

    receipt objectrequired

    Receipt file in Base64-encoded format

    mediaType stringrequired

    The MIME type of the file, such as 'application/pdf' for a PDF file or 'image/jpeg' for a JPEG image

    name stringrequired

    The name of the file, including the file extension

  • ]